Thursday, July 30, 2009

I need to get laser hair removal on my face. Can anyone help me?

I have been plucking a small area of hair just under my jaw on both sides of my face/neck. I've been doing it for about 5 years, and its getting thicker and worse. I have to do it every morning. Its time to get it permanently removed, so I am going to check out permanent laser hair removal, but what happens in between sessions? I can't go out in public without plucking the hairs every morning, so what do I do once I start the treatment. I'm so depressed and embarrased.

I need to get laser hair removal on my face. Can anyone help me?

its not as uncommon as you think - many many women have excess facial hair issues.

Laser hair removal is definitely an option - the type of treatment they can use depends on several things - your skin type, even hair colour (the laser won't remove blonde or red hairs), so they will tailor treatment to your personal specifications. In between treatments, they will usually tell you to shave rather than pluck, to let the follicle grow naturally and make treatments more successful.

Keep in mind that it isn't cheap and takes several treatments to work, but is fully worthwhile for your own personal self confidence!

Definitely check it out, and check several places as well - prices will differ. Also see if any of them have any kind of guarantee of success.

Good luck! :):)

I need to get laser hair removal on my face. Can anyone help me?

Laser hair removal sounds like a great option for you. Part of the good news is that the hair does not grow between treatment so you don't have to worry about appearances and even if a little does you can shave it.

The site has a number of certified specialists that can help to get you started.

Good luck.

I need to get laser hair removal on my face. Can anyone help me?

After years of nightmare hair removal options, I finally decided to look into permanent hair removal options. My research led me to a consultation at Manhattan's salon.

I found a website

There are many useful information to me. Thanks to them.

At my consultation I wasn't expecting to go under the laser. In fact, I wasn't sure what to expect. My technician, Michelle, was laid-back, confident and attentive. When I asked what the results would look like, she lifted her arm and showed me the most perfect hairless armpit I'd ever seen. Knowing I was

writing an article, she even showed me her bikini line. I was blown away with the possibility of never having to shave again.

Step 1: Paper panties

Technician leaves you with paper panties. I was given the paper panties then Michelle left. She came back in and I laid on the table in basically a splayed position (a bit uncomfortable, but then Michelle was so laid back and had showed me HER bikini line so what did I care?).

Step 2: Ice cold

Ice cold jelly-like goo is squeezed onto all the soon-to-be-lasered spots. The goo apparently protects skin and offers some sort of barrier from the heated light.

Step 3: The laser wand comes out

I had no idea what this looked like until I saw it. Lasers vary, but the one Michelle used on me reminded me of the part of your printer that you attach to your computer. The part that is closest to your skin is about 4 inches long and an inch wide (although they vary). Michelle gave me a pair of sunglasses.

Step 4: The procedure begins

Basically Michelle worked along my bikini line. I had asked about the pain and she said it would feel like a rubber band snapping the skin. She was right. The pain wasn't unbearable at all, nothing like the searing pain of waxing. The laser pulses with light and you feel a 'snap.' She moves along with each 'zap.'

Step 5: Clean up

Once the lasering was over, Michelle scooped up the goo, I got dressed and that was it. No need for creams or lotions or potions. Michelle told me the hair would fall out within 2 weeks.

On my way out the door the woman at the reception desk told me I was going to love the results. I left happy and confident she was right. Then the waiting began.

Two weeks later, the hair was gone and a new hair cycle had just barely begun to grow in. Hair grows in cycles so you should get about 6 treatments to ensure you kill all the hair follicles. A month after my first treatment I went in for my second. Find out what happened in my 3rd installment of Diary of a Laser Hair Removal Guinea Pig.

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