Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What is the difference between permanent electrology hair removal and permanent laser hair removal?

Electrolysis only treats one follicle at a time, can only treat visible hairs and really hurts. Because of its constraints it is not feasible for large, dense areas.

Laser hair removal covers about a quarter size area per pulse and is quite fast. For laser to work, the hair cannot be white or really blond.

Make sure you go to a good provider for either option. The attacheds site has more info and certified providers.

What is the difference between permanent electrology hair removal and permanent laser hair removal? thanks?

normally, if u just do electrology, it will grow bak faster, the more u cut, the more and faster it grows the permanent will grow back slowly as if u never cut it in ur life. it will take yrs to grow long

hope i helped 閳?br>What is the difference between permanent electrology hair removal and permanent laser hair removal? thanks?

electrology kills the root of the hair growth...and stops sebum (oil) secretion in the area...my mom said it was really painful when she did her upper lip area as they tweezed each hair and then killed the follicle. now 20 years later her skin has only started to wrinkle in that area. But the hair never returns.

whereas laser is considered less painful, but the hair will grow back (at only a 10% of the original growth)

hope that helped!

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