Saturday, August 1, 2009

What's the deal with women removing all their pubic hair?

There seems to be a very popular trend for women to remove all their pubic hair. I'm wondering why???

Also, I'm wondering what women who are getting laser hair removal (or any other permanent removal) down there will do when it becomes trendy to have pubic hair.

What's the deal with women removing all their pubic hair?

It's more comfortable, looks better, and gives a little more sensitivity during sex. As for bushy becoming trendy we'll cross that bridge when we get there - I really don't think that this is caused by trends it's more like girls share with each other and some girls may be inspired to try this if they haven't but overall we're not shaving our crotches because everyone's doing it, we're doing it cuz it's what we want for out crotches.

What's the deal with women removing all their pubic hair?

Is it because women hanker to look like prepubescent girls to attract their men, encouraging paedophiles. Or is it women hiding how they really are. Report It

What's the deal with women removing all their pubic hair?

Men do it too, Its not a fad its just a way of keeping your self clean shaven and that way you can prevent like crabs and stuff better for one thing if their was the chance and it is alot easier to i think it is unattractive to have a bush growing off you private parts.

What's the deal with women removing all their pubic hair?

Hair is a manly trait, most people don't like masculine women.

What's the deal with women removing all their pubic hair?

Many women do it as they feel it makes them look and feel better clean-shaven. Some also do it as the hair can be coarse and make you itchy, especially during the summertime when you sweat a lot.

What's the deal with women removing all their pubic hair?

So you won't get "carpet" fibers between your teeth when you're workin down there. Personally, I prefer things a little more natural. Trimmed is nice but not bald please.

What's the deal with women removing all their pubic hair?

I think a lot of guys don't like hair down there or at least not a lot that's why I shave. Usually when you get laser hair removal done, it is not the whole pubic region, so there is still hair. Also, I don't think it would matter if is came back in style, because it's not like everyone sees that area.

What's the deal with women removing all their pubic hair?

Its more comfortable and most men dont like hair.

What's the deal with women removing all their pubic hair?

I've trimmed since WAY before it was trendy, I just like the look and feel better. Sometimes I shave all the way, sometimes just keep it trim. But I don't think I'll ever let it get "bushy". I prefer men to at least be trimmed too... in this society it's a basic hygeine issue.

What's the deal with women removing all their pubic hair?

because Mr Caveman, we're not your cavewoman

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