Saturday, August 1, 2009

I'm 16 and i have hair on my hands?

i'm 16 and too young to get any permanent hair removal surgeries. i have so much hair on my hands and feet. what can i do. i don't want to go to a salon because its embarrasing. help please!!!!

I'm 16 and i have hair on my hands?

I think the best thing is to go to a professional salon for your problem and get waxed. I understand it's embarassing, but remember, it's not your fault and they deal with that kind of thing ALL the time. Try calling in for your first appointment as opposed to making the appointment in person. You can also let them know you are emabarassed about your hair growth, and they will be more discreet and sympathetic. If you feel more comforatble with a man instead of a woman (or vice versa), be sure to let them know when you make your appointment. It will last up to 6 weeks. You will feel SO much better once it is done, and you don't have to worry about it nearly as often as with other methods of hair removal. It's alot harder to wax yourself, Nair smells horrible, and your risk cutting yourself whenever you shave (plus you will HAVE to shave religiously).

I'm 16 and i have hair on my hands?

Wax at home.

I'm 16 and i have hair on my hands?

just wax it or shave it off

I'm 16 and i have hair on my hands?

Wax it off with Sally Wax you can buy at any drug store.

I'm 16 and i have hair on my hands?

use nair, it works pretty well, and even if it starts to itch, wait the full time to wash it off or it won't work

or if you don't want to do that, you can always shave it off, use a good razor though.

I'm 16 and i have hair on my hands?

buy sally hansen body hair bleach at walmart. it works really well and it might feel better and be less noticable. i used to use this and it made the worse hair look just about invisible. i think this is your best bet while your young and might not want to wax/shave for your whole life. will it hurt to try!? =) good luck dear

I'm 16 and i have hair on my hands?

You could always try Nair. I think you can get one that either lightens hair, or removes it without having to shave or wax. They have it at superdrug.

I'm 16 and i have hair on my hands?

Actually most people have hair on their hands and feet. I know I do. Just go to a salon. Chances are, most of the workers there have it too. Hair on your hands and feet happens to part of genetics

I'm 16 and i have hair on my hands?

Hi! I have the same problem - thick, dark hair on my arms and hands and on my head and legs, etc. : it's all genetic because of Italian family background - and I make mine less noticeable by using hair bleach on it. Nair works really well. It lightens the hair enough that it is less noticeable and looks more natural. You can lighten it as much as you want. If you have really dark hair, after the first time of using it, it might just look lighter brown, and then a little lighter the next time, or almost blond. What I'm saying is that you may have to apply the bleach two days in a row, or leave it on longer than 7 minutes like they suggest, to get it as light as you want it - just don't leave it on longer than 10 minutes or it might irritate or even burn your skin). If your skin is really tan, though, I'm not sure if you would want to use the bleach because it might leave blotches or discoloration from bleaching areas of skin as well, or make an entire area of your skin on your arm look lighter - I can't tell too much because my skin is fair, but the skin on my arms/hands sometimes does look lighter to me after using bleach to lighten the hair.

Some others here have suggested using hair remover cream. I never meant to use this on my arms, partly because I don't like the idea of having to redo it all the time (so it doesn't look crazy with all that stubble on it!), as quickly as my hair grows back! But once, accidentally, I got some Nair Pretty (that I was using to remove leg hair) on my arm and it really I for a short time I had a little bald spot on my arm! But if your skin is sensitive, sometimes hair depilatories like Nair Pretty can give you a rash or a real burn, and you don't always know when this will happen, because it can happen even after you've used the chemical many times before, with no problems. Some of these hair removers have warnings on their containers that this can happen, and I have found it true. I've had mixed results with hair remover cream - sometimes my skin accepts it OK and sometimes it reacts to it by burning or breaking out in a rash (especially in sensitive areas), so you might want to be careful using that, or at least test it somewhere hidden, EACH time, before you try it on your arms, so you don't end up with a rash or burn on your arms. I hope this helps. I know how embarrassing that is and believe me, you are not the only one out there who has to deal with that problem.

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