I know similiar questions have been asked, but I am under the impresion that when you undergo treatment the hair is stunned for a certain period before the hair that was not destroyed begins to grow back again? How accurate is this exactly, and how long is that period? Also they tell me that the hair will continue to grow for a short period after it's treated but once the remainder of it grows out the destroyed foliciles will not return.... I'd like more details as i'd prefer permanent to waxing and I wonder if it's ample enough of a choice to have a clean chest for someone who is visiting within a certain period (I plan to continue treatment afterwards until it's complete)... Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
Laser hair removal -- How long till dormant hair shows up again?
Here is a link to an informative article about a womans laser hair removal experience, I think you will find this useful in answering your question. ENJOY!
They tell me that the hair will continue to grow for a short period after it's treated but once the remainder of it grows out the destroyed foliciles will not return.... I'd like more details as i'd prefer Permanent Hair Removal to waxing.